Effects and Overcoming Dehydration
Have you ever experienced excessive thirst, followed by a body that feels tired. It could be that you are experiencing one of the signs of dehydration. Dehydration is a condition that we often unconsciously experience. Recognize the causes of dehydration and how to deal with it early to avoid the risk of dehydration. You can see complete information about the effects and dealing with dehydration through the following review.
Dehydration Meaning
Dehydration is a condition in which the body lacks fluids. water loss If this happens, the body cannot function properly. Other impacts that you may experience when you are dehydrated are headaches, feeling lethargic, weak and constipated.
Symptoms of Dehydration
Then what are the symptoms of dehydration that usually appear? There are two types of symptoms that you can observe, mild and severe symptoms. Here’s an example:
1. Symptoms of mild dehydration
Dry mouth
Tired and lethargic
Muscles feel weak
Dry skin
Dizziness and headache
Decreased frequency of urination
Thirst increases
2. Symptoms of severe dehydration
Excessive thirst
Low blood pressure
Rapid heartbeat
Fast breathing rhythm
Dark urine
Lack of sweat production
Eyes appear sunken
Decreased skin turgor or elasticity
Causes of Dehydration
Generally, the cause of dehydration, due to lack of consumption, excess fluid loss, or maybe a combination of both. Another possible cause is that we forget to drink water because we are too busy doing activities, it’s hard to find water suitable for consumption, or when the throat hurts to swallow, these conditions usually make us ignore daily mineral needs. Other additional causes of dehydration can also be caused by diseases, including:
1. Diarrhea: When diarrhea, the body releases a lot of fluids. If the fluid that comes out of the body is not immediately replaced with sufficient fluid consumption, then the body can become dehydrated.
2. Vomiting: Almost the same as diarrhea, when you vomit the body also releases a lot of fluids. This condition also triggers dehydration in the body.
3. Sweating: Losing a lot of fluids through sweat is normal when we do a lot of activities. Humid weather, or conditions such as fever can also increase the amount of fluid lost from the body.
4. Diabetes: High blood sugar levels cause diabetics to urinate more frequently and are at risk of losing a lot of fluids.
Frequent urination: This condition can occur when you are in cold weather, drink alcohol, have certain diseases associated with increased urination such as diabetes, medications, such as diuretics, antihistamines can also cause people to urinate frequently.