4 Ways To Renovate Your Kitchen To Make It More Energy Efficient

The kitchen is one part of the house that consumes the highest amount of energy, as it is also the busiest place. From making meals, closing and opening the refrigerator to making coffee, there are always many things going on that side of the house.
Renovating the kitchen to make it less energy-consuming sounds like a handful. But on Collected.Reviews, a third-party review site, you can go through the feedback and opinions of previous customers about some companies that provide energy-saving or efficient services to know if they could be a great help to your kitchen.
Four important steps to take in renovating your kitchen include:
1. Lighting
Since the kitchen has people walking in and out at various intervals throughout the day, the lights are usually on for most parts of the day and this is entirely normal. But, on average, the electric lighting burns up to 25{6692df18ed674cc139fc8bf44360da2f1d12d9254f7a6d562030e000d91d0eb6} and cuts back on how much energy is consumed while using the kitchen. It is advisable to upgrade to energy-saving bulbs like the light-emitting diode (LED) and the compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) that uses less than 75{6692df18ed674cc139fc8bf44360da2f1d12d9254f7a6d562030e000d91d0eb6} less energy and also lasts longer compared to the normal bulbs.
2. Unplugging Appliances Not In Use
With the number of appliances in the kitchen; including the toaster, the dishwasher, coffee maker etc. It is easy to forget to unplug appliances that are not in use, which drains the rate at which energy is consumed. To conserve the amount of energy used, it is better to unplug all appliances that are not being used.
3. Plumbing
Plumbing is one of the greatest ways to make your kitchen more energy efficient. Switching your usual standard kitchen faucet to low-flow models saves energy. And not only that, the low flow models are less costly and easy to install, unlike standard faucets. Having the low flow models fixed reduces the rate at which water is used to about 60{6692df18ed674cc139fc8bf44360da2f1d12d9254f7a6d562030e000d91d0eb6}. And if you must ask, this is a great way to start.
4. Dishwasher
Just like every appliance, the newer models are designed to be more energy-efficient. With newer dishwasher models, you don’t have to wash dishes before placing it in the dishwasher which indirectly cuts back on the water use. Every dishwasher has a heated dry cycle which has the highest consumption of energy on the whole machine. So, it is necessary to switch it off if you can, and if you can’t, turn off the dishwasher at the end of the rinsing and open the door to dry. While some kitchens operate with a dishwasher, others do not. If you do the dishes with your hand, you should only fill the sink with the right amount of water you need for both washing and rinsing. And while washing or rinsing, do not leave the tap running.
Although there are other energy saving tips to follow, these four tips would reduce your electricity bills and also make your kitchen more eco-friendly.